Thursday, April 21, 2011

Should I Be Scared?

The time for you to turn our little twosome into a family is rapidly approaching.. Daddy and I have no idea what we have gotten ourselves into! I have to admit, there is a little fear in me.. deep down. But for what, I am not exactly sure.

It isn't that I am afraid that we can't provide for you, I have no doubt in my mind that with some simple personal sacrifices of our own, you will have everything you could ever need. Is it a selfish feeling that I will have to truly grow up and set aside all the 20 something fun I have become so accustomed to? I don't think so. So I guess I am not really sure where the fear stems from.. but what I do know, is that it is completely normal - and when the day comes that I get to meet you for the first time, I know that nothing else in the world will matter.

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